Some Digital Dish News

This is less IMVU news and more Digital Dish related news. I know I haven't updated in nearly a week so please hang in there with me.

It's been a super busy week for Digital Dish as the sale for advertisement comes to a close [tomorrow, the awesome sale ends so if you haven't taken advantage, do so very quickly]. I have spent most of the week quite literally either dealing with my own, personal life stuff or answering e-mails upon e-mails regarding ad space [and hey, that's a good thing because it keeps my hosting space paid for so Digital Dish can keep running].

In addition to questions regarding advertisement space, I have also been hit this week with questions regarding support of this website. In fact, an almost overwhelming amount! So for the sake of my poor eyes and fingers, hopefully this post will answer the questions I've been receiving and gain your favorite IMVU news site a little support! Here is a FAQ list made up of the questions I've received lately...

Can I write an article for Digital Dish?
Yes and No. I'd love for anyone who wishes to come forth and write something for the site. I like diverse content and it takes a load off of me. It's especially beneficial for those super busy weeks in my life when I don't have as much time as I'd like to seek out new stuff to talk about here. That said, articles have to be approved by me and that doesn't just include their content, but their subject matter as well. So if you have something you're looking to write about.. ask me first! I'd be more than happy to at least talk about it.

Where can I put the Digital Dish banner?
Anywhere really. The banner was made with the every day IMVU user in mind. The banner is appropriately sized for use in the forums as your signature [and it can be linked directly here as this is an IMVU related website], on your home page [it's 200 pixels in width so it even fits in your smaller side panels if you need it to] or even on your personal web site if you want. Link it anywhere you want to and as many places as possible. I have plenty of bandwidth to go around.

Can I get listed in the Twitter section even if I'm not a developer?
Of course! You just have to be a member of the community in order to get listed there. All I ask is that you e-mail me with your avatar name and Twitter URL and I will get you listed.

Can you send me the Twitter badge?
No. Not that I don't want to... it's just that the Twitter badge doesn't belong to me [I just happen to reap the benefit of being listed on it]. I've gotten asked for it a lot this week for some reason. I guess people just now really noticed it? Anyways, please have a chat with Shadokotsu if you want it. You absolutely MUST have a Twitter account in order to get this badge so please don't hound him for it if you don't have one.

How many months of ad space am I allowed to purchase?
You have to purchase at least one month of ad space. I do this for my sanity. Other than that, you can purchase as many months of ad space as you want. I've had some people purchase 6 months of advertisement. You can rest assured that Digital Dish isn't going anywhere nor is the ad sections located on my product pages and the Digital Dish home page.

Can I add you on IMVU?
Of course. You can add my personal account or DigitalDish. I'd be happy to have you as a friend!

That's the long and the short of it. I hope that answers some questions for y'all. Please remember that if you have a news tip or question, you can always e-mail me at and I will be glad to respond! My e-mail is always open.


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