Crave by Lollirot

Looks like Miss Lollirot is planning to take her talent to the next level with a new account strategically named Crave. What's she got up her sleeve this time? Poses!

Lollirot aka Naomi has been developing on IMVU for years and it's no surprise that she has been on the cutting edge of gothic fashion on IMVU since the beginning. She offers a few (might I say fabulous?) pose packs in her regular catalog but apparently plans to make the bulk (if not all) of this new catalog nothing but pose packs. So those of you who particupate in the Daily Outfit Contest, look out - because you have some new, great stuff coming your way!

Lollirot is also the designer behind accounts such as Her7thSin and Horror.


Anonymous | July 1, 2009 at 2:23 PM

Wow! I'm actually quit excited for this now! I can't wait to see what the famous Lollirot does next!

Unknown | August 23, 2009 at 8:36 PM

i really dont like her for one reason greedy ......570cr for one pose

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