Developer Avatar Images?

A discussion was raised in the CCGen forums that I found rather intriguing. Do you judge products by the dev's avatar? The question got me thinking (and you can see my response within that thread). I honestly do judge whether or not I want to check out a home page or catalog based on avatar images.

I find myself quite often coming across a fantastic avatar image and it draws me in and make me want to visit their home page just to see what the person behind the image is all about. This causes me to check out the catalog pages of people I have never heard of quite often.

Don't get me wrong, having a sucky avatar picture probably won't keep me from ever buying anything from you, but pretty images attract my eye and make me much more likely. This is especially true when it comes to catalog icons.

Just food for thought. Personally, I tend to get a lot more page views after a significant change in my avatar image - especially if I have someone make me a really nice one! A shout out to the fantastic artists of the Graphic Arts Services and Requests (GASR) forum. It's a GREAT place to get amazing avatar art done!


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