Dynamic Content Re-Enabled

As most of the Content Creating community knows, on June 8th, an issue rose about the use of dynamic content on product pages - things like coding from YouTube.com, Slide.com and other various 3rd party websites. In order to address the problem, IMVU decided upon taking the ability to use such coding from non-Pro developers on June 11th.

The use of dynamic content is officially back for both Pro and non-Pro alike as per the post by Senior Community Manager, Jamidiaz in the official IMVU blog post Product Detail Page Update. It's great news, but for the Pro developers who have continued to use their fancy codes the last couple of weeks, a new challenges has risen.

As seen in the next image, courtesy of the Official IMVU Blog, you can see that all coding is now restricted to IMVU's original description box. Personally, I'm shocked that it took this long for IMVU to take the ability to decorate our product pages away from us.

My standpoint is that I have been creating on IMVU long before users like DeMo, Ange, Lollirot and myself started the product decorating trend. I made my mark on IMVU without the use of fancy coding and I believe that it is possible to make a name for yourself here without the e-glitter. However, some developers are still upset over the loss of their hard work, special product page graphics and marketing aspects - enough so that many are calling it quits.

My word of advice - Don't just quit. I started developing because I enjoyed doing it. That should be your main concern. If nothing else, view this change as a leveling of the playing field. Sell your talent and your products - not your fancy product pages.


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