July Tiers Still Not Updated

As of 3:30pm PDT, tiers have not been updated. So much for IMVU's claims of us seeing an update by "morning". Guess it's my fault for not asking "Who's morning!?"

This is making for some irritated and impatient developers who are desperate to see if they made Pro status (or lost it for that matter) this month. If you'd like to join me in the constant refreshing of the tiers info page, feel free. I could use a buddy in my quest.


Anonymous | July 4, 2009 at 8:44 PM

Tell me about it, I'd sure like to know what they've been smoking lately, making us all wait...... patiently (even though I'm on the edge ripping stuff appart if they don't do anything)

Anonymous | July 5, 2009 at 4:23 AM

They should have it done soon...they better...at this rate they should give is Tier Waiting Points >o>!

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