New Ads In Blog

I hated to do it, but I had to monetize the Digital Dish blog. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but the blog sadly has yet to pay for itself. It costs money for the domain name and for the hosting space used by several elements of this site. So in hopes of gaining a little more revenue, I have placed relevant Google Ads within the side bar and bottom of the page.

If you'd like to help me financially run this site, purchasing ad space is a great way to go for very little money. With an average of 100+ unique hits daily, it's the perfect way to increase your own traffic - especially since the ad space is shown on my IMVU home page as well as the Digital Dish homepage. The price is 5,000 credits for a month of ad space. That's less than $3.00!

You can also help by clicking the Donate button in the right-hand column. It leads directly to PayPal. Every bit helps and your contribution is definitely appreciated!

Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you all understand. Hopefully in time, I'll be able to remove the ads completely.


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