Kimi Is a Bitch!

Ah can you smell the immaturity in the air? It's almost not worth mentioning... but I will anyways [cut a lady some slack - I'm bored].

Looks like I have a new friend! Her [or potentially his?] name is Guest_KimiIsaBitch. I applaud you for stating the obvious and giving me entertainment.

Oh, and thanks for the messages on my home page. :)


Anonymous | August 13, 2009 at 7:53 PM

Oh hunny, they just have nothing better to do with their time. Some people love to live off drama. Without it, their life has no meaning. Very sad.

Kimi | August 13, 2009 at 7:56 PM

This is true. But hey, that's in part what this blog is about... so I'm not in the least bit angry.

I'm not surprised that things are being blown way out of proportion - it happens. It's human nature to act a bit nutty at times.

Unknown | August 13, 2009 at 8:22 PM

WOW... Can you say "Childish"??
We all know who made that account..I knew he was an asshole, but geez, at least GROW SOME BALLS and state the obvious on YOUR account instead of making another account to hide behind.

Anonymous | August 13, 2009 at 8:32 PM

More typical IMVU dramady. -hugs Kimi- You are NOT a bitch. Loves you Kimi.

Kimi | August 13, 2009 at 8:38 PM

Ah it's okay. Sure I am! It's nothing to really be proud of, but we've all got a little bitch in us sometimes. Today was just my day I guess. lol

And Chem, I somehow doubt it was Terror. Who knows - it could be. But something tells me it's someone completely unrelated to the scenario. Doesn't really matter in the end tho. *shrugs*

Unknown | August 13, 2009 at 8:45 PM

It might be a few of his "followers" or well... I call 'em "suck ups"

Your Illusion | August 13, 2009 at 9:50 PM

Looks like they got disabled already. That was fast!

Anonymous | August 14, 2009 at 1:21 AM

awwww and wanted to see what the page look like

Kimi, hope you screen capped it for laughs, I wanna see xD

Virtually Shee | August 14, 2009 at 2:04 AM

how childish! but at least you have great celeb power! hehe

Anonymous | August 14, 2009 at 3:14 AM

I've been a silent stalker on imvu for.... a really long time, always fearful to state any of my opinions whether they be good, bad, or indifferent. It's really easy to see the character of people if you simply observe what is going on rather than becoming emotionally involved. Sadly, there is a very large number of people on imvu who fall into the category of "ass hats" and who do act childish and who do throw tantrums when they don't get their way. From my observations in forums and various groups, I actually do have a lot of respect for you because you do try to maintain a degree of integrity. It would have been so easy for you to come here and completely bash Terror because of his work ethics. Stupid, but easy. Instead you took a better road. I, myself, have several people who I won't support and I have no problem voicing my opinions and justifications to anyone. Does that make either of us "bitches"?

It's so sad to see when people can't deal with opinions that are different from their own, and I have to say that I believe it's becoming more common in the upcoming generation. It makes me sad. It also makes me want to stick up for people who are the intended victims of the bashing and ask, sweetly, "Can't we all just get along?" I'm tired of being a silent spectator and fully intend to start holding people accountable for their words and actions. Kimi, I applaud you for doing just that.

Kimi | August 14, 2009 at 3:59 AM

Shadokotsu, it was just a regular ole guest page - nothing really to see. The "You're a Bitch" comment is still on my page if you're really interested.

Scarlet-Syn, I appreciate your kind words. After sleeping on it, I realize I could have just left it alone entirely. That's the highest road I could have taken. I'm young yet and I still have maturing to do. I don't regret the post at all. I regret that some focused so much on the bad - but that's human nature, really.

I've come to find that people love drama (which I easily proved today as this blog reached a record breaking 9 people reading simultaneously) and many more unique hits than the daily average. But many of those people who love the drama, only love it when it's picking on everyone else. I can relate. Some of the comments thrown at me today really stung. But then I remembered that at least I have the courage and decency to not hide behind "Anonymous" postings. :P

Anonymous | August 14, 2009 at 4:51 AM

It's true that most often it's best to keep one's mouth shut. But I would think that you would have the freedom to say as you please in your own blog. I try my best to always take the high road and be kind... to everyone. People who are angry will always find some sort of flaw or flaw no matter how kind and composed you may be. It's a reflection on them. On the other hand, we're all human.

Unknown | August 16, 2009 at 4:51 AM

Lol your no bitch and that accnt got disabled ^^

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