Let's Get Naked!

Recently, the Access Pass version of the Daily Outfit Challenge went public. If you're interested in checking it out, you can click here if you have an AP. Edit: Apparently I'm totally wrong! Oops. Well, we're all human. I was told that the AP version went public and since I can see it when I otherwise couldn't, I assumed that to be correct. Sorry y'all! In order to see the AP Daily Outfit Challenge, you have to Join This Group!

The AP version of the DOC is still relatively new and few people in comparison to its General Audience counterpart, participate in the contest. I've been checking it out the last few days. The themes seem decent enough - mostly repeats of past themes from the traditional DOC.

Quite frankly, it seems like people are using it as a reason to get naked and take pictures. It's like looking at fancy, internet pixel porn with pretty colors and whimsical backgrounds. I looked through at least ten of the themes and in each one, I found at least 5 people who were either topless or completely naked. Is this really necessary!? What on earth does a Steampunk challenge have to do with your naked behinds? What would possess someone to expose their e-breasts in lieu of such a theme? I don't understand it.

Is the AP Outfit Challenge still so new that people are just eager to literally bare all for no other reason than because they can? Silly me thought when the AP version was introduced "Finally! I can use all of those totally perfect outfits that I couldn't use in the GA contest due to a few red pixels showing." Getting naked never even crossed my mind.

Switching gears, I'm beginning to wonder if the AP DOC is IMVU's ploy to find some UFI (Unfit For IMVU) content. With themes like All Tied Up and Botched Surgery, I can't help but raise that question... and an eyebrow.


WWGinger | July 31, 2009 at 11:52 PM

Are you sure it's been made public? Are they "rolling it out" to one segment at a time? LOL I'm AP and when I clicked your link, I landed on http://www.imvu.com/outfits/contest/index.php (The GA contest)... I've been waiting to hear about this AP contest opening up, and was hoping for some kind of official announcement on their blog or perhaps a HP message to all AP members. I know, I know... but it could happen lol.

Unknown | August 1, 2009 at 12:11 AM

Yep, I got the same thing WWGinger. Just the regular GA DOC. I have an AP, I was just curious to see what it looked like. Nope, It just took me to the regular DOC. Oh well. Maybe its only open to a limited set of eyes??

Kimi | August 1, 2009 at 12:54 AM

Whoops! So sorry guys!!! I've edited my post accordingly. *Slaps forehead* Doh! Silly me I guess. I assumed the information I was given to be correct since I couldn't see the AP version until after I was told it went public. Guess they only set it to public for "regulars" to the contest or something. :/

Ken | August 1, 2009 at 3:17 AM

Kimi, you need to update your post, it has gone public, but people need to join the AP Daily Outfit Contest group (which is set to public) in order to participate in the AP DOC.

Chem-X | August 4, 2009 at 5:37 AM

Thank you Kimi, I looked at it, and some of the entries made my jaw drop and some of them made me totally "LOL". I definitely got a good kick out of looking. Thank you soo much, and I might even decide to participate in it later on. :D

Chem-X | August 4, 2009 at 5:37 AM

Oh... Just to let you know. I am also "Chemical" (ChemicalDolly) It just depends which Email account I am under.

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