No News is Bad News!

Things around IMVU seem pretty quiet right now. That makes for a boring day at the office for me! So just a friendly reminder that if you have anything to share - news, gossip, etc that pertains to IMVU, you can e-mail me at with your tidbit.

More people seem to be getting into Twitter and I'm enjoying seeing all of your daily tweets about your life and your new products! But please remember that if you want the daily twitterings that bring you the dare I say awesome news you get here, you will have to follow IMVUDigitalDish and not my personal Twitter account. (You can follow that one too, but unless you like knowing that I'm twittering and peeing at the same time or what I'm having for dinner, don't bother haha)

In other Digital-Dish news, we have had some great sponsors this month. You can see them in the featured section. Be sure to check out those sponsors and their links! And remember, it's only 5,000 credits per month for ad space of your own. That's less than $3.00 and it reserves your spot on THREE different pages (and soon, my product pages as well). That's a HUGE steal!


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